Yesterday, we went to a place called Tikal. Tikal is an old site in the jungle, which has Mayan temples in it. We woke up at 3:30am to get ready for the early shuttle to the bus station. Once we made it to the bus station we all got into our comfortable seats, and sat there for nine hours. We slept on and off throughout the trip. Finally, we made it to Flores and rested for a day. At 6am we all got on another shuttle to the National Park in Tikal. Once we got off the crowded shuttle we just started walking around, planning where to go and what to do. Our first stop was the Grand Plaza. The Grand Plaza is where they buried their kings and queens in temples. The temples there were soooo big; the details were also very interesting. Right in the middle of the Grand Plaza are stelae which is what they recorded family history on. We climbed on one of the temples, too. On the top you had perfect view of the temple in front of you and the ones around you. There was this one palace where the archaeologist stayed while he excavated the Mayan site. We made our way through the jungle without being bothered by bugs (yes!). Unfortunately we didn't see any monkeys. Nearing the end of the trip, we climbed another temple. It was so high up you could see all the way over the top of the jungle. When we climbed back down, we saw a group of missionaries. After we finished talking with them it started to rain. It made me feel right at home. We made our way out of the park and ate some lunch. We waited a while until our shuttle came. This was an experience I'll never forget.
Announcing Segullah February 2025 Edition
3 weeks ago
Grace, what a great writing! You are great!