What you're missing here in this picture is the mob of tourists standing in line to get tickets. Of course, we were part of the mob. It's true that the Parisians skeedaddle out of town in July and August and leave the town to the tourists and the poor schmooks that have to service them. Apparently, the American economy isn't so bad that Americans aren't traveling. We see a lot of them here in Paris, now that it's summer vacation. Sometimes we deign to talk to them, but sometimes we keep mum and pretend we're locals. That only works until we have to consult our Metro map. Or until we find ourselves in line to climb the Eiffel Tower.
Grace and Gloria prepare to summit the Tower! I'm sure you know it was built by a guy named Gustave Eiffel. Did you know it was built in 1889, to commemmorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution? There was a contest (like the contest for the Firenze baptistry doors) and some of the pictures of the other entries were pretty hilarious.
Grace pauses to enjoy the view from the second level. There's the Seine River down below.
Announcing Segullah February 2025 Edition
3 weeks ago
That looks soooooooooo cool!
I've really enjoyed reading all your posts about your travels in Morocco, Italy, and France. My family (bro & sis & mom) all went to Europe last year (England, France, Italy, & Germany). We (Don & I) weren't able to go, but one day I am hoping to take a long extended vacation there & see many of the sites. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!!