Sunday, July 19, 2009


My sister, Kimberlee, got married on 11 July in the breathtakingly beautiful north Georgia mountains. I flew to Atlanta the day after the day we arrived in Copenhagen and surprised Kim and Jon, since initially, I had not planned to come. But as the day drew near, I realized I had to be there. Besides, Genevieve came, too! I met her at her gate in the Atlanta airport and it was SO good to see her.

Here are Vicky, Kim (the bride) and Nancy -- my sissy and my two fantastic sisters-in-law.

My sister has been single for close to twenty years. In that time, she has done some extraordinary work on her personal issues and spiritual development. And Jon is equally extraordinary, a very welcome addition to our family. I am so happy for both of them. They were married at a little community center in the Coosawattie River Resort an hour north of Atlanta, where my Mom has a "cabin." We call it the cabin, but it comfortably hosted both bride's and groom's not-so-small families for the "rehearsal" dinner. (We actually didn't have a rehearsal, but skip supper in the South? Never!) And quite a number of us slept there, all of us in beds of some sort. It's a very nice cabin. Here is the just-married blissful couple, Kim and Jon.

I love my siblings! I love it when we are all together, since two of us live on the East Coast, and two on the West. We have a tradition we call The Sibling Breakfast, which is just what you presume. This time, we had breakfast at the local diner down by the Conoco on the morning of the wedding. I guess Jon will have to join the Spouses' Club next time. Here are the four of us: Greg, me, Kim, Phillip.
Oh, I didn't pack wedding clothes, so I am put together for the day by a whole generous team. I'm wearing a dress from Barbara, my Dad's wife, Vicky's shoes, and my mother's girdle and jewelry. The birth order is: me, Kim, Greg, Phillip, in case you're wondering.

I also got to visit my Mom and Ron, and my Dad and Barbara, plus Marge and Wayne, my favorite and aunt and uncle. I met a lot of Jon's family, who were entirely delightful people. I couldn't quite get used to the fact that everyone around me spoke English, but I have rectified that somewhat awkward situation by returning to Denmark, where, as it turns out, most of the people speak very good English. I think it's because the American TV shows are shown in English here, with Danish subtitles, unlike the rest of Europe, where the shows are dubbed. Which is lucky for me, since I know exactly four Danish words, which don't get me very far.

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  1. Oh my goodness I'm so excited! I love Aunt Kim!

  2. I am so glad you were able to see your sister get married! and they did a beautiful job putting you together for the wedding. You look terrific! I am so glad you are having such a wonderful time! Love ya!
