Friday, April 17, 2009


Perhaps some of you have been wondering how it is to work online from Guatemala, as I have been doing for what feels like the last 23 centuries dating back to a week ago Tuesday. My answer to this smouldering issue is that it is remarkably similar to telecommuting from the comfort of my computer room at home in Camas, Washington, with the exception that my room there does not double as lawnmower storage (see note at bottom). Another small difference at our place of lodging here in Antigua is that there appears to be a relationship between internet access and availability of hot water--on any given day you get one or the other, absolutely guaranteed! I have not found this to be a problem at all, as I very seldom shower while working online. So in brief, it's been working pretty well so far, and I'd be happy to provide specific details on the actuarial work I've been doing, but I'm waiting for someone to ask first. Truth be told, I've been waiting on that since 1982, when I began applying actuarial methods to the problem of world peace.

Note: I know what you're thinking, and I did try to log on to the Craftsman 8320 Shur-cut, but evidently I had the wrong password.


  1. Happy to know that the foundation of the actuarial world will not be compromised while you traipse across the world. I've had many a conversation that go as follows:

    Random Person: What does your father do.

    Me: He's an actuary for an insurance company.

    RP: Oh, neat. What does an actuary do?

    Me: I don't really know.

    So there you go.

  2. That's okay, no one knows what quality engineers do, either. I have a vague idea about actuaries because I worked in an actuarial dept for a year after high school. Our actuary used to sit in his cubicle smoking a foul pipe, hour after hour, day after day. Once in a while he would call us all into his office to instruct us sarcastically on some aspect of customer service.
    Come to think of it, I have no idea what an actuary does!

  3. Good thing that no-one asks me what my father-in-law does! Because as it has been mentioned by others I have no idea what you do! But glad that work is going well! On a positive note, I am glad your Antigua office doesn't double as the shower room! If that were the case there would be a whole lot of cussing either by the internet users or the showerers! Thanks for the post!
